Friday, January 20, 2006

Friday, friday, friday

This was a long and turbulent week. I had alot to do and not much to do all at the same time.

The weather is so wild. I went out to work this morning and it was 54 degrees. There was a light breeze and it felt SO wonderful. I thought for a minute that I was in Knoxville. I think it is funny that it has not snowed almost at all since we got the Subaru (knock on wood).

I am going to Rochester tomorrow. Yes I am going to go wandering around, but my real motive for going is to go to the Walgreens. I know... I should learn to deal with change, but I had a bad experience at the pharmacies that we have in Syracuse. There are NO Walgreens in Syracuse - can you IMAGINE? I thought Walgreens was like Starbux - one on every corner. Well my consolation is that this little town will be getting a Walgreens soon. Then there will be order in the universe again!

So Tuesday morning I have an interview for my job. They are moving forward with making me a permanent employee. I have enjoyed the consulting firm I have been working for though. They are so great to deal with, and they are SO nice.

I should know some more in a week or two. We'll see.

Oh... the waiting...

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