Friday, April 28, 2006


Mom and dad just sold their house!!!!! They close on May 25th, and they will be here by June 1st! Now all we have to do is get them an apartment.

I am going to go to Chicago this Sunday for a few days, I'm coming back Wednesday night late. Then Heather is coming in Thursday - WEEEEEEE!!! Luckily I will have a few days to spend with her. I hope the weather is nice.

This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous. I have alot of crap to do. Mainly getting the house in order.

I have quite a bit of travel for work going on during the next few months. I am James and the 'rents will be here to take care of the babies.

As you guys can tell, I have finally posted more photos. I am more or less caught up. Most of these are from James' visit last week.

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