Monday, September 04, 2006

Sherman does a slam dunk

I awoke this morning to a tennis ball in my toilet. So I'll admit it.... sometimes the dogs drink from the toilet. Muldoone and Sherman almost NEVER do it, but Mattie is a repeat offender. Sherman's problem is that he likes to drop his ball in the water... water bowl, ocean, lake, stream, pool, and now toilet.

Thank goodness I was awake. I usually look in the toilet before starting my duty. You know... just in case there was a monster in the bowl. Ummmm.... yes.... thanks Bucky for years of emotional torture as a child. He even gleefully admits it to this day, the booger!

It would have been quite the mess to have tried to flush that. I mean I know I am infamous for being a bit hard on tiolets, but this one would take the cake, not to mention I would never live it down.

PS: does anyone know where I can get a circa 1980 Kholer chocolate toilet seat?

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