Friday, September 01, 2006

Stupid thing I did #376,229

That number is reset to zero every year by the way. This morning. I put my jeans on fresh out of the dryer. The rivets burned my little body, and now I have teenee rivet shaped welts on my body.

Dad and I are picking Bucky up at the airport tomorrow morning. It will be so good to see him. I can't wait to drive down to San Diego this winter to enjoy playing in the sun while it is cold and gray here!

Yesterday Mom and I went and spent anothe couple of hours at the DMV, and we got the emmissions testing and paperwork for the Subaru to get it tagged here. I did the Infiniti a week (or so) ago. Now all I have to do is send the paperwork for both cars to the credit union in tenneesee. Yes.... we still use ORNL in Knoxville for all of our banking needs. It is not inconvenient unless we need something signed.

Afterwards we went to a nice little fruit market - Baggenstos. The big thing around here for the fruit markets is pickles. They sell homemade pickles, but not just regular old pickles. They have those too, but they also have weird jalepeno-ed cucumber pickles, german pickles, and anything else you could put in a pickle.

Mom and I are going to do a pick-your-own soon. I can't wait! I remember as a child going with her and some of the neighborhood moms to pick strawberries. It was hot and dusty, and those ladies would just grunt and laugh while they picked. I OF COURSE sat in the dirt between the rows of strawberries would eat, eat, eat. They had to wipe me down before they put me in the car. I guess I am too old to do that now. Darn.

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