Wednesday, December 20, 2006

"Christmas is coming, I think I'm getting fat(ter)"

"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat" is still one of my favorite xmas songs. How can you go wrong with the Muppets?

Ahhh... as the big day gets closer, I am kinda getting excited. I remember as a kid getting excited as soon as the tree went up. Now I guess the "magic" is gone. You know... since santa deserted me. My favorite xmas activity still has not lost its joy. I love arranging the presents under the tree. Everytime we get a new one I have to pull them all out from under the tree and rearrange them. If we haven't gotten a new present in a few days I pull them all out anyway. Is that sick or what? Some may even call it a bit obsessive compulsive.

I sure have been procrastinating about deciding on the menu for xmas eve dinner (and shopping for it). We are having xmas eve dinner and opening gifts over at our place. Mom is hosting xmas dinner at her house. She is fixing a mexican feast. Since santa left, my family has opened gifts on xmas eve. That way we are full, awake, and hopefully not in our pajamas.

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