Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It may be cold and snowy at home, but it is just cold here. And they say Portland is depressing! Gray. Gray. Gray. I'm only here for a couple of days, but for some reason it seems longer. We have alot to do and in a pretty short time. I sometimes find working with several offices spread across the world a pain in the butt. We have all this great technology, but somehow it never works out as well as face to face interaction.

We got the ultimate rental car. We got a PT Crapper... errr... PT Cruiser. SaaahWeeeet. It is quite the car. I tried drag racing, but I never even had a chance.

Here is a peice of sage advice to all of you: Never, and I mean NEVER buy a car that had once been a rental. Trust me. I know what I do to them. God knows what other people do to them!

I have taken a bunch of pictures, but you'll have to wait. I forgot the cord to download them with.

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