Sunday, May 20, 2007

Home for Awhile

Well the trip to Knoxville was great. I din't get to see all the people I would have liked, but it was absolutely wonderful to see the ones I did. We went to see Laura Neil and Phyllis in Williamsburg KY. We visited with mom and dad's former neighbors and the Mayfield bunch. I even got to see Jill and Victoria! We got a chance to ramble around town, go to the Smokies, and even go to Asheville NC. I had wanted to go there before I moved to NY but never got the chance - I really love Asheville. I was really glad to get to go to Biltmore and the Grove Park Inn. I had also wanted to go to the Smoky Mountains. My memory of them had been skewed a bit by living in Portland and seeing the mountains here all the time.

It was pretty weird to go by all the houses I had lived in, and there were quite a few since I had lived there most of my life. I think the weirdest part for me was going on campus. I spent quite a few (too many) years at UT so of course I had some crazy emotions and memories wrapped up in that place.

All in all it was a great trip. Mom and I had alot of fun, and we didn't even kill each other. I had alot of fun with her. I hope we can continue to take trips together. Of course I will remember to bring a roll of duct tape next time.... JUST KIDDING MOM!

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