Monday, August 20, 2007

The Goings On

Well to catch you guys up on some stuff. We have 2 new neighbors. The house across the street sold for an impressive amount and a 50 something childless couple moved in. They have a pretty Weimer. Next door, the house that has been under construction since we bought our house, a really nice 40 something single childless woman moved in. She has a large blocky yellow lab named Hank. He is sweet, and he and Sherman love each other. Sherm does alot of yardwork with me so he and Hank have had many opportunities to visit. It is a relief that our new neighbors are nice. We are very lucky in that regard. The people across the street have a rough looking house with interesting things in the front yard, but they have been there forever. Mom noticed the 6 foot angel in the yard a little while ago and was a little freaked out by it. I think I posted a picture of it earlier. I wonder if the house has been in the house since 1925, when it was built. It seems like half the houses are owned by really old people who have been here a long time, and the other half are people that have been here 2 years or less. The county tax assessor website is very helpful for that sort of information.

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