Thursday, November 10, 2005


So we had some lake effect snow today. Not much, but it was weird. We are having more tomorrow. It doesn't stick yet. I guess these 65 degree days have helped. It was kinda cool to drive in.

The power went out today at work. And I'm in a room with no windows. It was fun. Everyone had their computers on battery backup (so they don't lose something they are working on unexpectedly), and when the power goes off the beep annoyingly. So here we are, me and 25 guys sitting in the dark with 25 computers beeping out of sync. I have a laptop, so I had the only light in the room. They gathered around me like moths to the flame. We ate pretzels and chatted about geeky stuff like Monty Python and Star Wars. Then it was out so long that the guys went upstairs to see what they could pilfer from the cafe. Bad boys.

In light of the power outages of late: I had bought a crappy, bloated flashlight at walmart last night, but tonight I went and got one of those all-illuminating flourescent battery lanterns. And extra batteries. I'm set.

I got to tour 2 of the plants today. It was incredible and mind boggling!

I'm going to try to get Jim to go to the salt museum. I don't know if he'll go, but I'm excited. I don't know what a museum all about salt will be like, but I am dying to find out.

Heather told me last night that in Waterloo (which is close by) was where they made those wood-sided station wagons. If any of you do not know - Jim loves station wagons. So I have to get the scoop on it. Heather also said they had a station wagon convention, much like a corvette convention, but cooooler. Wee!

I really like it here - snow, rain, wind, and cold aside. I hope Jim likes it too.

Did you know they had slick leaves advisories? Strange.

Well kiddos, I won't be posting much after today. Jim is coming into town, so he'll get my attention, but don't worry... I get my hi-speed internet at home monday, so I'll fill you in later.

I will be having dreams about Starbux gingerbread loaf tonight. Yum!

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