Wednesday, November 30, 2005


So I have finally recovered from thanksgiving.

I have decided to experience all of the local flavor that I can. I have been seeking out local venues to eat dinner at every night. So far (the past 2 nights – hahaha) have been great. I finally found a great “ny style” pizza place. It is a mom & pop place, and they are so nice. The pizza is yummy! Last night I went to a place called Brooklyn Pickle which has been around 40 or 50 years. They have hoagies and stuff, and it was very tasty indeed.

Dad – you would be in heaven! There are tons of greasy spoons tucked back in all the neighborhoods. It is so funny, it is just like I had always thought from watching tv – every neighborhood has its own personality, grocery, bar, and greasy spoon. I have yet to muster the courage to eat at one of those greasy spoons!

The weather has been insanely warm, but never fear…. The snow is coming. My boss is from Atlanta, GA and he said he hasn’t seen a blizzard in the 4 winters he has been here. There may be 3 or 4 feet of snow accumulated over a week, but not in 1 day – like what happened in ND this week. Whew! The guys are giving me a hard time about my car. They swear my tires are way too wide and I’ll float all over the place. Well I have faith in my Infiniti Technology and my expert driving skills (ahem!). Oh…. And I have good insurance.

Work is fun. I have been keeping busy and running around like crazy.

The guys at work have what they call “hog fest”. They bring in potluck for 2 or 3 weeks during the holidays. I have committed to some deserts. Mom – I’ll be contacting you for some recipes! What a great excuse to eat - bad girl!

ps - I have no photos of my new haircut, but trust me it is short! I also took no photos of the dogs worth posting. I just soaked them in.

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