Saturday, November 26, 2005


Well I made it just fine to Indianapolis. I got to the Rochester airport very early for my flight out on Thursday. The lady at USAir was so nice, she put me on a earlier flight which got me to Indiana 3 hours earlier. What a great thankgiving day present. By the way... Thanksgiving day is the BEST day to fly - it was dead.

When I got into town, Jim and I went to IHOP for thanksgiving dinner. It was nice. Pancakes all around! Now that's a great dinner! We proceeded to pack in thursday evening with all of our favorite activities including coffee, car shopping, and doggies. It has been wonderful spending time with Jim and the puppies. I already dread going back.

Yesterday I got all the blonde cut out of my hair, and yes I think this is the shortest my hair has ever been.

Well I am off to enjoy the wonders of Indiana and continue marvelling at the flatness of it all.

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