Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Yet another snow

Yesterday we had 4 inches by the time I left for work. It was all slushy and gooey. The guys at work were giving me snow driving advice.

Work was like a ghost town yesterday. I sure did get alot done. We have a PA system that they use to have people call extension such-and-such. Someone kept broadcasting a gobblegobblegobble over the PA. It was hysterical.

It is supposed to really be snowing by lift off this morning. I was going to leave for rochester at 5am, and it looks like a good idea. The rest of the snow has not hit that hard yet. They say a foot or more in places. Yikes. I am more worried that my flight will be delayed or cancelled. Don't worry mom, I'll call. I have had trouble sleeping, obviously judging by the time I wrote this.

I may not be writing again until Monday night, but you never know. I'll definitely post some sweet baby pictures!

Have a good turkey day! I think if I make it to Indiana, Jim and I'll be eating thanksgiving dinner at Waffle House! Weee! I sure would love some of Evelyn's pumkin pie.

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