Thursday, December 29, 2005

Good Thursday!

Well some nice delivery guys paid a visit to me and brought me my furniture! I am stoked!!! I came home at lunch and let them in. They were in the area early, so I popped in to help them out. Apparently the table that I bought was really a pair. It came with a shorter version that had wheels. It is cute.

I am lounging on my new chair as I write this!!! Ahhhhhhh!

I have made a very difficult decision... I am going back to Indiana for New Year's. I know, I know... that is LOTS of driving, and I was JUST there, but my Jim needs me. Haha. I just feel like I need to spend New Year's eve with Jim and the babies. I have left him alone for the previous 3 years, and I thought we should be together.

It is really cool - when it rains and there is snow on the ground, it produces a VERY instense mist. I is so eerie looking.

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