Monday, January 09, 2006

The floors!

Heather and I went into this weird dollar store of sorts in one of the old neighborhoods. It was in this big old pretty house. I was talking to the lady about the house and she started showing me around. She let us go upstairs and look around too. It was really neat. There were beams on the ceiling in what was the dining room, and it had a big rounded window. The edge of the floors in the dining room were made of strips of wood that had been crved and put into place. Gorgeous!

The lady that ran the store was crazy. The front of the store had one of those really wide glass doors, and as soon as we came in she handed us this really gross thing and told us to throw it hard at the door. We did and it was this gooey jelly thing that splatted on the door like an egg. It was really funny.

Heather and I bought glow in the dark dracula teeth for later. 25 cents a peice... what a deal!

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