Monday, April 24, 2006


James is making the long flight back to Indiana today. I sure will miss him, but I am so happy he is leaving…. because next time he comes back it is to stay. It is such a relief that this has all turned out okay. James and I were hurtling to the 1 year mark apart. I moved to Knoxville to work after graduation on June 6th of 2005, and we have not lived in the same place since then.

Dad has been sick the last couple of days. Poor guy… he sounds so bad. I think all this running around outside and trying to keep up with my constant running has taken its toll. At least he has had great weather... I think constant rain would have only made it worse.

I think we have some good apartments lined up for him and mom. It is none too soon… they showed the house 6 times this weekend. Wow! Mom and Ariel had to flee the house each time. From what I gather they spent a lot of time together in parking lots. There isn’t much else you can do with a howling kitty. I think they ought to get a dog when they get out here. You can bring them nearly everywhere. They have lists online of businesses that welcome them. We have seen them in the hardware stores, small shops, target, grocery stores, patios of restaurants, and this weekend James and I saw one waiting in line at Banana Republic. Sweet!

James and I went on the great hunt for clothes for his new job. He has to dress a bit more business-like than how he does at work now. You know, nice slacks and dress shirts. No more flannel and chinos for him! I think it is great… he looks so smashing all dressed up! What a cutie pie! I had a hard time not pinching his cheeks when he would try on stuff for me. Smart, funny, sweet, AND cute – how lucky am I!

Friday night we went to Mio Sushi for James’ version of our anniversary, and we ran around a bit. Saturday – you know… the REAL anniversary – we went to Mingo and had a great meal. They have outdoor seating, indoor seating, and then they have seating that is inside, but completely open to the outside. That is where we sat. The little area that Mingo is in is a crescent of businesses with loft condos on top, and there is a light rail stop and a amphitheatre type park with large grassy steps. It was a nice evening, and we sat in the restaurant for a really long time, just enjoying each other’s company. After we were done we went out to the park area and sat on the grass and watched all the little kids run and play. We were amazed how quiet they all were.

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