Monday, July 24, 2006

Another Disappointing Flying Experience

I got into NY really late last night. And now I am up at the butt crack of dawn. The bed and breakfast I am staying in is really nice. And yes it does have air conditioning. Woohoo. I was so worried. It is a really cool old house... literally. They have some awesome antiques! No mom.... it doesn't seem haunted.

Mom, dad, james and I went out Saturday morning in search of heat relief. We had originally planned on going to the beach, but we realized that the nights are really the worst part. We went some places in search of fans and possibly an air conditioner, but we found very little. The lady at Home Depot laughed when I asked what aisle the air conditioners were on. They had long been sold out. We all parted ways, and then James and I got a GLORIOUS call. Mom and dad had gone to take back a fan they had bought that was missing some critical peices, and low and behold... they found a stack of window units at walmart. Mom said they were flying out of there. They managed to grab 2 and dropped one off at our house.

The entire search for air conditioners, and the frenzy associated with it reminds me of my childhood. I remember the frazzled moms beating up each other, punching, kicking, swearing, and crying over cabbage patch kids. I remember marveling whenever we manage to glimpse one in a store. Mom was very cool and made me a couple. I remember she even made one for Granny, and Granny named it Bucky Jill. That was a riot! Mom's were better than those old cabbage patch dolls. And they did not smell bad. Cabbage patch dolls were made to smell like a real baby. Tell me... why would you want ANYTHING to smell like a real baby? I also remember the time I saw with my very own kid eyes two grown women in a tug of war battle with a doll. I guess the equivalent is xboxes for this generation. That's pretty cool that such a level of consumerism exists in the US.

I am almost embarassed to admit this, but I read a whole book yesterday. The embarassing part is that I have not read a book in YEARS. College had ruined me. As an undergrad I read alot... alot of school stuff, stuff I HAD to read. In grad school I learned the art of accurately skimming text. Which is an essential skill to have since each class has 4 - 5 required books. Reading for fun was never an option, and it did not seem appealing. James devours books like his survival depends on it. I admire that in him, but my attention span just doesn;t allow it. I had picked up a book (on recommendation) about introducing budhist philosophy into western psychology. It was very cool, and very.... dare I say... enlightening. It is a totally differenty approach to psycho analysis and thinking. Well I am proud of myself. Oh and my Ipod for allowing me to tune out everyone on the plane.

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