Friday, January 12, 2007

Well it just got a little more interesting...

You guys remember when I posted about the dogs chewing up one of their collars? I mentioned that we never found the rest of it... I found it today. Sherman had been felling kinda under the weather. He had thrown up a couple of times over the last week, which is so not him. He threw up big time last night. I was concerned. So today when I got home from work I followed him out to see if all was okay on the other end. Wellllll. He pooped out the rest of the collar - grunting the whole time. Poor guy. I had to help out a little. I won't go into detail. It still makes me feel a little woosey. Much like mom's cats when they offloaded a big one... once he had gotten rid of it he tore around the yard like a new man. I decided not to post a picture of it, but you know I took one. If you are just DYING to see it send me an email. I'm sure my inbox will be overflowing with such requests by morning. Ha.

We were really lucky. It could have killed him. It took awhile, but it managed to come on through. Luckily he left the part with the metal ring when he first dined on the tastey collar. I had to measure it to make sure there was no possibility there could be anymore in there. It was 31 inches long. Yep... it was all there.

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