Thursday, January 05, 2006

Poor Chicken

So today I am running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I could not find the keychain that had both my mailbox key and my laundry key on it. I know, easy to prevent. But I did find them – whew – I have to do laundry tonight to prepare for Portland. What to wear, what to wear. I got to work and could not find my wallet – aka not in my purse. No wallet = no money = no drinkies… what would I spill on myself? After 20 minutes of wracking my brain I remembered getting gas which means it was probably in the car, and it was. I also left my phone at home which means no text messaging with Jim. And to beat all… I could not find socks to wear this morning that made me happy! I had to settle for my grey stripey ones.


I am getting even more excited about my trip. I have gotten the guys from work that are going with me all excited about it too I think. I have to check the weather to see if I can do some light sweaters.

The guys at work are blaming me for not having snow. They say since I have gotten a good snow car all we have had is rain, which is true. Apparently the rain is eating into their snowmobiling season. I never realized that there were such restrictions on it. They can get tickets for speeding, and they can get fined for trespassing if they are on the trails when they are closed. That doesn’t sound like fun to me at all.

I’m sorry to hear that Jim’s great aunt Betty died Wednesday morning. She was such a sweet, loving, and great person. She will be missed. She was Jim's equivalent to my Aunt Laura Neil - who is the sweetest person I know!

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