Sunday, October 29, 2006

Fall Back or Fall Forward?

I hate the time change. Why? Why do we do this to ourselves? It tarnishes the gooey goodness of halloween. Why would the world do that to all the little children? It always happens right after my birthday in April too. Why? I always heard the time change was dreamed up to help the farmers. How does it help the farmers?

"Daylight Savings Time" - what does it actually do? Well... after all of my years of bitching... I looked it up on the internet. Moving the extra hour of daylight from the beginning of the day to the end of the day (which, in essence, is what DST does) actually saves energy. In the US, is cuts energy consumption by 1% each day. Okay.... so that's a pretty good reason.

This brilliant idea was the brainchild of Benjamin Franklin. What a smarty pants he was!

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