Friday, December 15, 2006

Hanging with the 'rents

After work James and I went down to Mom and Dad's for a bean and cornbread dinner. Of course mom made a wonderful apple pie for desert. We had so much fun sitting around and talking. It was a really nice evening.

Mom had one of my favorite holiday things... egg nog. Yes it is an acquired taste. James HATES it. I was shocked when she pulled out Sothern Comfort egg nog! How weird. It was actually some of the best egg nog I've even had. Either that or I was just craving it.

So mom told me a story about christmas at our house when I was little. Apparently she, my aunt, and my mama made the holiday visit go smoother by drinking rum and cokes. I was oblivious to this of course. This may not seem surprising to you if you don't know my mom, my aunt and grandmother don't drink... except at the most bizarre times. I always just thought they were crazy together, but I guess they had some help. I remember one particular instance when my aunt was sitting at the kitchen table crying and saying "nobody is going to like what I got them!" Mom said my aunt got emotional when they had their holiday "fun", mama got well... sillier, and my mom was just happy the holiday was going so well I guess. Of course mom's flair for storytelling made the story even better. I had not a clue that all that the girls were boozing up the holiday when I was little, but I sure do remember when we did it when I was an adult. And I thought I was the corruptress! I should have known better!

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