Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Jim and I had a nice leisurely v-day celebration. I took him someplace very special... Sonic. Unfortunately I didn't make reservations. There were no drive-up stalls left when we got there. So we went through the drive-thru and got it to go. We had a lovely dinner still in the car, but across the street. I swore to jim that I wouldn't do anything crazy this year... so sonic it is! We had fun... as usual. We never have to do anything special because we always seem to entertain ourselves just fine.

I think however that my all time favorite v-day was quite a few years ago. Jim and I had a "romantic" valentine's picnic in Cherokee Park (still one of my favorite places) in knoxville. I fondly remember making jim look into the sun because I thought his brown eyes looked pretty in the sunlight. Yes... we still joke about that one. When I want to be extra sweet I ask jim to look into the sun so I can admire his pretty eyes.

I think I have been a little nostalgic since mom and I are going back to knoxville. I originally didn't want to go back. I was (and still am) scared that it will be really different from the memory I have in my head. I don't want to tarnish or warp that memory - even if I remembered it wrong in the first place.

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