Thursday, February 08, 2007

Busy as a Bee

Work is keeping both Jim and I busy these days. I have my life scheduled out until way past May. Gladly not all of my scheduled trips are for work. I'm going to CA in early May for work, but I am getting a chance to visit the Baldry clan for a few days. I'm so glad We live close enough that we can see them more often that once every few years! I'm also possibly going out to TN in the summer. I hope to get to see Bucky and Holly again soon too.

Jim and I are excited to host a bunch of people again this year. Jim's parents are coming out early April (I think), and his sister Kate is coming late April. The baldry clan is coming sometime this summer too! If you want reservations at our palatial portland palace... you'll need to make your reservations early!

The guys at work in NY have been telling me about all of the lake effect snow they have been having (and continuing to have) lately. The word on the street is that upstate NY is getting hammered with snow. Oswego has had around 6 feet. Oh I am sooo thankful that last winter - you know... when I was there - was a mild one. And my poor little Heather is in NYC right now... getting a taste of the winter weather.

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