Friday, August 24, 2007

The Roof Over Our Heads

During the course of the past 2 days we have had guys over here putting a long overdue roof on the house. I am so excited about it. Probably more excited than I should be, but hey... when you spend that much on something it should be appreciated. Right? It will make a world of difference though. We knew that there were some bad spots in the roof.... ummm... holes, and we determined that there were 5 layers of shingles on it. 5 layers. Why does a 57 year old house have 5 layers of shingles you may ask? That's 1 roof roughly every 11 years. Well... the original layer was green, and I mean GREEN. The second layer was a silver, almost white - I'm guessing the silver roof was the point at which the house was painted teal. Just a guess. The third layer was a reddish brown - kinda brick red. The forth layer was a gray, and the top layer was a nasty brown. With roofs like that if you ever wanted to change the color of the house you would have to re-roof, but how on earth was the nasty brown ok with the blue vinyl siding? The new roof is a dark dark gray, almost black, so we should have some flexability in color choices.

By the way... they still make a truly green colored shingle.

Now that we have a new roof we can get rid of that awful awful blue vinyl siding and put on something nice. We've got to get a new furnace before we do the siding. My sweet dad is going to wash down the vinyl so in the meantime it will look presentable. It is moldy and dirty right now. I'm kind of scared to see the actual color.

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