Sunday, November 18, 2007

San Francisco!

I'm en route to San Diego to see Bucky and Holly, so of course I stopped in San Francisco! I got to spend a couple of days with Heather,the kids, and the fam.

Saturday Heather, Brian, and I went over to Pescadero. The drive to Pescadero was pretty. We went there for the anniversary lighting of the Pigeon Point lighthouse. It was awesome! We got there early and got a spot to see the lighting. It was so crowded. And cold. I felt like such a dork. I was standing there with my little canon camera, using an empty coffee cup as a "tripod". Everyone else had these huge cameras on tripods, stood there talking camera talk, and tweeking their settings. We stood there and watched the sunset and the fog roll in... it was soo pretty. We stayed at this cute little "Bed and Biscuit" in Pescadero.

This morning we headed back and dropped Brian off, and I left for San Diego.

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